Little Things Can Keep Your Love Alive

12 February 2013
Allison read a lot about love in the last week and thought about what it takes to keep a relationship going strong after the initial passion settles into a slower simmer.
Entries tagged with: Communication
Little Things Can Keep Your Love Alive
12 February 2013
Allison read a lot about love in the last week and thought about what it takes to keep a relationship going strong after the initial passion settles into a slower simmer.
Addressing Behaviors That Undermine a Culture of Safety in Healthcare
9 April 2013
Allison read Anger Management Courses Are a New Tool for Dealing With Out-of-Control Doctors in the 4 March 2013 edition of The Washington Post and paused to celebrate that many of her colleagues are working diligently to address this rare, but incredibly important issue in healthcare.
Name Games for Networking
30 April 2013
Allison read several blog posts about how to remember people’s names and used some of the tips to improve her networking efforts at a conference with 950+ people.
It’s Important to Ask for Help
7 May 2013
Allison read an excerpt from David Whyte’s Readers' Circle Essay, "Help," and appreciated the reminder that sometimes it’s important to ask for the generosity you need.
Four Great Questions
14 May 2013
Allison read The Eleanor Project web site and reflected on four great questions we should all be able to answer about ourselves.
Fund-Raise in a New Way
28 May 2013
Allison read The Generosity Network: New Transformational Tools for Successful Fund-Raising in the 13 May 2013 edition of PhilanthropyNYU and got excited for a new approach to philanthropic endeavors. (The book on this topic hits shelves 24 September 2013.)
Sage Social Media Advice for Facebook Users
18 June 2013
Allison read What to Do When You Goof on Facebook by Marijean Jaggers and appreciated another round of practical advice from her social media guru. Whether you’re a faithful member of the Facebook family or are still trying to decide whether to join the fun, today’s post is for you.
Play with Your Words
3 September 2013
Rachel got a little inspiration dose from reading a few pages from The Book of Qualities by J. Ruth Gendler. That prompted a question: What would your favorite word be wearing?
Are You Practicing Good Emotional Hygiene?
1 October 2013
Allison read the Dalai Lama’s post on Facebook today about emotional hygiene and thought about all the ways she tries to help herself choose to feel better when times are tough.
words (that) matter
26 November 2013
Rachel (and Allison) took time in these days before Thanksgiving to reflect on some things that matter. Among them, words.
Have You Told Them?
3 December 2013
Allison read When the Truth Is Your Only Chance by Peter Bregman on the HBR Blog Network and appreciated a story that supports the importance of being thoughtfully candid.
Inspiration and Education in Forward / Adelante
14 January 2014
Allison read Forward / Adelante and enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about Spanish-speaking businesses as well as a wonderful dose of inspiration from local entrepreneurs.
Choose to Disregard
18 February 2014
Allison read In Praise of Disregard in The Opinion Pages of The New York Times by Christy Wampole and was grateful for a persuasive piece about why and how we should make thoughtful choices about how we feel and act (rather than react).
How Do You Talk About Who’s Fat?
4 March 2014
Allison read Miller Murray Susen's blog post, Who's Fat?, and admired one Mama's attempt to navigate the complicated topic of talking with her kids (and herself) about weight and health.
I’m Sorry Instructions for Kids (and Grown-Ups)
22 April 2014
Allison read A Better Way to Say Sorry on JoEllen’s cuppacocoa blog and appreciated specific instructions for helping kids (and grown-ups) to apologize sincerely.
Messy, Complicated, Wonderful People Stuff
29 April 2014
Allison watched a 90-second animated video about what we do at Allison Partners. Many thanks to Greg Brozenske of for explaining exactly what it means to help with messy, complicated, wonderful people stuff.
Minimize Conflict in All Your Relationships
29 July 2014
Allison read 5 Tips for Avoiding Conflict in Your Relationship on the Psychology Today blog and appreciated Anne M. Gordon's practical advice for changing the dynamics of arguments (romantic or otherwise).
Listening Lessons from the Boston Marathon and Beyond
21 April 2015
Allison taught Resolving Conflict yesterday for the American Association for Physician Leadership and got to tell one of her favorite stories about how to listen even when you don’t understand.
Celebrating TKI’s 40th Anniversary
28 April 2015
Allison read the web site created to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) and was glad to see a diverse collection of resources for people who want to learn more about how to transform conflict into productivity.
Meetings Shouldn’t Be Miserable
9 June 2015
Allison read the HBR Guide to Making Every Meeting Matter and was glad to see a collection of basic meeting management skills summarized in a quick and easy-to-read booklet.