Joy and Sadness Need Each Other

23 June 2015
Allison watched Disney • Pixar’s Inside Out and remembered that by allowing ourselves to feel sadness and learn from it, we can often find our joy faster.
Entries tagged with: Communication
Joy and Sadness Need Each Other
23 June 2015
Allison watched Disney • Pixar’s Inside Out and remembered that by allowing ourselves to feel sadness and learn from it, we can often find our joy faster.
Managing Your Ego
13 July 2015
Janie read Why a Big Ego Could Be Your Downfall (and Seven Tips to Help You Hone Your Humility) by Edward D. Hess, and appreciated his concrete tips on ways to quiet your ego and develop more empathy for others.
Hurray for a New Allison Partners Blogger!
14 July 2015
Allison read Janie Kast’s blog post, Managing Your Ego, and was delighted to welcome another regular contributor to the What We’re Reading Now blog.
Beware the Mental Basement
21 July 2015
Allison read The Wrong Place and Time to Have a Money Conversation by Carl Richards and found his wisdom to be useful for any potentially difficult conversation.
In Support of Longhand
11 August 2015
Allison read What You Miss When You Take Notes on Your Laptop by Maggy McGloin and appreciated this research as children get ready to go back to school and grown-ups try to retain important information at work.
Making Difficult Conversations More Manageable
10 November 2015
Allison read How to Make Sure You’re Heard in a Difficult Conversation by Amy Gallo on and appreciated her practical tips on what to do when a conversation gets heated.
How You Hold Your Face Makes a Big Difference
22 January 2016
Barbara read The Horse Sense of Nonverbal Communication in Lead Doc, the online journal of the American Association for Physician Leadership and was reminded that the sound of your voice, the look on your face, and the position of your body can enhance or ruin your words (for physicians and non-physicians alike).
Tips for Making Networking Feel Less Creepy and More Effective
26 January 2016
Allison read How Not to Be a Networking Leech: Tips for Seeking Professional Advice and Top 10 Tips to Work a Room Like a Champ and knew that many of her clients would appreciate these practical suggestions for making a dreaded process a little easier and more meaningful.
Stop Apologizing When Thank You is a Better Choice
2 February 2016
Allison read Cartoons Show How ‘Thank You’ Can Be an Empowering Substitute for ‘Sorry’ and appreciated how a small change in word choice can make both people feel better.
Build Your Empathy Skills this Valentine’s Day
9 February 2016
Allison read Resources for Learning About Empathy on Valentine's Day on the George Lucas Educational Foundation site, Edutopia, and celebrated an emphasis on compassion and caring this Valentine’s Day.
Learning When and How to Say Thank You
8 March 2016
Allison read Make Your Life Better by Saying Thank You in These 7 Situations by James Clear and reflected on how our relationships would change if we were able to receive compliments and have more empathetic responses.
Use Your Favorite Crime Show to Help You Manage Frustration
12 April 2016
Allison read Don’t Let Frustration Make You Say the Wrong Thing by Tara Healey and Jonathan Roberts on and appreciated a useful tool for making sure your emotions don’t hijack you in the heat of the moment.
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make me a Match
19 April 2016
Allison read Feel Like a Million Dollars: Matchmaking and Happiness by Lalin Anik and Katherine Bowers and learned about research that shows professional or personal matchmaking can lead to greater well-being for the matchmaker.
Dealing with People Who Take Your Meeting Off Track
3 May 2016
Allison read 5 Ways Meetings Get Off Track, and How to Prevent Each One and appreciated Roger Schwarz’s specific suggestions for how to handle meeting participants who derail the group.
Allison Partners Animated
17 May 2016
Allison watched Messy, Complicated, Wonderful People Stuff by Greg Brozenske and appreciated how animation can make things easier to understand (and so much more fun).
Improving Your Empathic Listening
24 May 2016
Janie read Three Ways Leaders Can Listen with More Empathy, and was excited to have some concrete suggestions on ways to improve her listening skills.
Getting Feedback Isn’t Fun
19 July 2016
Barbara read Leadership Means Learning to Look Behind the Mask in The New York Times by Barbara Mistick and was reminded of the importance (and unpleasantness) of asking for feedback.
Ground Rules Can Make Your Meetings Better
26 July 2016
Allison read 8 Ground Rules for Great Meetings and found herself nodding her head as she read another good article about how to improve meetings by Roger Schwarz.
Mindfulness Can Make Messy Conversations Manageable
9 August 2016
Allison read 3 Important Lessons on Mindful Communication by Lili Powell and was happy to see practical advice for how to use mindfulness to navigate difficult conversations.
Observing Art for Better Communication
2 December 2016
Eden read Visual Intelligence by Amy Herman and was happy to see so many communication tools in a book about what and how we see.