What We're Reading Now
30 December 2010
Rachel read the Stieg Larsson series, starting with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. (Some of our reading is just for fun.)
Tags: no redeeming value, rachel read
Most members of the Allison Partners team like to read, so sometimes we pick up a book just for fun. I recently took a hint from the bestseller lists and picked up the Larsson books, three complex and tightly woven thrillers that feature enough action and intrigue to distract a person from whatever reality she's facing. (For example, they make excellent books to read on an airplane and tune out the 6-year-old kicking the seat behind you.) The language is sharp (kudos to translator Reg Keeland), the plot twists jarring (but not so much so that you grow scared of the dark), and the detail astounding. And if you need to find some redeeming value, Larsson's stories are chock full of complicated and surprising characters who make it clear, as we say, that figuring out the people stuff is pretty messy business.
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Jan 10, 2011
Rachel. I couldn’t agree more that these books make excellent airplane reading; I’ve read the first and second on cross country trips and am saving the third for my next flight to CA. Your connection to the “messy” people stuff is right on, too, and while not the books’ focus, there are some interesting employer/employee story lines.