What We're Reading Now

Do the Most Important Task First

31 May 2016

Allison watched Pinkcast 1.2: A simple trick for getting the right stuff done and decided to experiment with adding this strategy to her daily approach for getting things done.



Improving Your Empathic Listening

24 May 2016

Janie read Three Ways Leaders Can Listen with More Empathy, and was excited to have some concrete suggestions on ways to improve her listening skills.



Allison Partners Animated

17 May 2016

Allison watched Messy, Complicated, Wonderful People Stuff by Greg Brozenske and appreciated how animation can make things easier to understand (and so much more fun).



Observe Yourself for “30 Days and Three Seconds” Before Making a Change

10 May 2016

Allison read The Solution to Maintaining a Budget Is Awareness by Carl Richards and believes his “30 Days and Three Seconds” experiment can help set the foundation for any change in personal behavior.



Dealing with People Who Take Your Meeting Off Track

3 May 2016

Allison read 5 Ways Meetings Get Off Track, and How to Prevent Each One and appreciated Roger Schwarz’s specific suggestions for how to handle meeting participants who derail the group.



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