What We're Reading Now

Stand Up and Ask, “Why Isn’t Mental Health Just Health?”

16 September 2014

Allison accepted the Stand Up Challenge from community health leader Erika Viccellio, and once again found herself pondering this question, “Why isn’t mental health just health?”



Have a Little Faith

9 September 2014

Allison thought about the full moon and was reminded of one of her favorite David Whyte poems, Faith.



Inspiration for ALL

2 September 2014

Allison read the Chamber Minority Business Conference Web Site and started to get excited for another dose of inspiration from an outstanding day of programming including two of her favorite speakers, Professor Gregory Fairchild and Dr. Pamela Ross, on 16 September 2014. This conference is sure to deliver inspiration for ALL of us!



House Rules

31 August 2014

Rachel visited Sydney, and between the koalas and the beach and the iconic opera house, she saw something that gives new meaning to "house rules."



Channel the Trapper Keeper

27 August 2014

Allison read Simple Solutions for Back-to-School Student Organization (Sorry, No Trapper Keeper) in The New York Times by Jessica Lahey and decided to renew her own organization efforts in honor of all the kids going back to school.



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