What We're Reading Now


21 January 2014

Allison read her 10-year old nephew's poem, Running!, and asked herself  some important questions every grown-up should consider.



Inspiration and Education in Forward / Adelante

14 January 2014

Allison read Forward / Adelante and enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about Spanish-speaking businesses as well as a wonderful dose of inspiration from local entrepreneurs.



Resolve to Be Happier

7 January 2014

Allison read 7 Small Resolutions for a Big Happiness Boost in 2014 by Dr. Emma M. Seppälä on the Psychology Today blog and was glad to see some of the best happiness research compiled in one short post.



The Secret to New Year’s Resolution Success

31 December 2013

Allison read The Most Important Thing You Can Do In The New Year To Lose Weight, Get Sharper And Live Longer on The Huffington Post this morning and was happy to see another story dedicated to the secret ingredient for success in all aspects of our lives.



Mindfulness for Your Children or Your Inner Child

24 December 2013

Allison read Sitting Still Like a Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids (and Their Parents) by Eline Sline and was so glad to learn about a mindfulness book and audio exercises for the child in all of us.



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