What We're Reading Now

Play with Your Words

3 September 2013

Rachel got a little inspiration dose from reading a few pages from The Book of Qualities by J. Ruth Gendler. That prompted a question: What would your favorite word be wearing?



Cooking to Learn

27 August 2013

Curious about his approach, Rachel read The 4-Hour Chef by Timothy Ferriss and realized that she holds some pretty strong opinions about the ways we learn. (Not to mention her ideas about food.)



Only You Can Prevent “Vacation Sabotage”

20 August 2013

In preparation for her upcoming vacation, Allison re-read Matt Ritchel’s article, Vacation Sabotage: Don’t Let It Happen to You!



The Chamber Minority Business Conference is for ALL Business People

13 August 2013

Allison read the Chamber Minority Business Conference Website and started to get excited for 17 September 2013. She thinks all business people could benefit from this great day of programming and knows they would be warmly welcomed.



Three Things to Remember When Writing a Job Description

6 August 2013

Allison read the Allison Partners Employment Ad in the Classifieds Section of today’s C-VILLE Weekly and reflected on the three most important things to keep in mind when you’re writing a job description.



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