Taking Stock of Your Team
16 February 2021
Larissa read The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni, and gained some insight into what might contribute to a team falling short of its goals.
Taking Stock of Your Team
16 February 2021
Larissa read The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni, and gained some insight into what might contribute to a team falling short of its goals.
VABOOK 2021 is All-Virtual!
2 February 2021
Allison eagerly awaited yesterday’s 27th Annual Virginia Festival of the Book schedule announcement and was delighted with the offerings! While it will be sad to not gather together in-person, an all-virtual festival spread out over two weeks is sure to be its own kind of fun.
Building Resilience Through Meditation
19 January 2021
Janie spent time each day listening to ten-minute daily meditations as part of the 10% Happier New Year’s Challenge and was reminded of the many benefits of daily meditation.
Managing Your Expectations
5 January 2021
Barbara read How to Manage Your New-Year Expectations by Courtney Rubin and was grateful for some practical advice on how to navigate her emotions while continuing to adhere to pandemic restrictions.
How Safety Shapes a Conversation
22 December 2020
Larissa read Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler and reflected back on how this book shaped past conversations.