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What We're Reading Now

Recognizing my Privilege

4 August 2020

Janie read Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do by Jennifer Eberhardt and considered ways that she can be more aware of her privilege and her own biases going forward. 



Ten Minutes to a Happier Kid (and Parent)

21 July 2020

Barbara read How a 10-Minute ‘Reset’ May Make a Huge Difference for Kids at Home by Audrey Breen and remembered a counselor who advised this same practice many years ago when she had young children.



We’re Going to Be O.K.

7 July 2020

Allison read We’re Going to Be O.K. by Dr. Ebony Jade Hilton and Dr. Leigh-Ann Webb with illustrations by Ashleigh Corrin Webb. It sure was comforting to be reminded there are practical things we can do to stay safe, healthy, and optimistic during the COVID-19 pandemic.



How to Be a Good Rebel

2 July 2020

Yvonne read Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life by Francesca Gino and reflected on the ways being a rebel may have impacted her career path.



Developing Intellectual Humility

23 June 2020

Janie watched Dan Pink’s Pinkcast 3.09: This is how to boost your intellectual humility and it prompted her to look for pleasure in unexpected places.



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