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What We're Reading Now

Emotions Are Contagious

12 November 2019

Barbara read Make Yourself Immune to Secondhand Stress by Shawn Achor and Michelle Geilan that confirmed via scientific research something she had always suspected: stress is contagious.



Silent Words

1 November 2019

Rachel returned to The Story of Bip, written and illustrated by Marcel Marceau, and found herself as delighted by the words of the famous mime as she was when she first read them as a girl. It's truly a wonder how much we can say, even when there are no words.



Mattering Really Matters

29 October 2019

Allison learned about Julie Haizlip, MD MAAP’s research on the construct of mattering in healthcare and pondered what it might mean for all of us



Don’t Be a Story Hijacker

15 October 2019

Janie heard Denise Stewart’s talk, Telling Your HR Story, and realized that she might be getting stuck in a common trap when communicating.



Shortcuts Encouraged

1 October 2019

Rachel recalled childhood retellings of The Three Little Pigs and was glad to remember that shortcuts sometimes lead to delightful memories of their own.



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