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What We're Reading Now

Deep Work: Focus for Longer Periods of Time

22 November 2016

Barbara read Cal Newport’s Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World and learned that future jobs will go to the people who can think deeply about complex subjects and come up with solutions to difficult problems.



What is Design Thinking?

15 November 2016

Allison facilitated the Ready, Set, Design activity for 150 participants and was grateful for a fun, fast, and easy way to explain design thinking concepts.



Fall Asleep Faster with the Alphabet Game

11 November 2016

Eden read A Good Night’s Sleep Is Tied to Interruptions, Not Just Hours and learned that a fragmented sleep schedule can be harmful to overall well-being.



Thinking About Time Differently

8 November 2016

Janie conducted the time-tracking experiment she wrote about in her last blog post, Feeling Busy, and was surprised to see that overall, her time was more balanced than she thought.



Super-Achiever Habits Might Surprise You

1 November 2016

Allison read The Most Common Practices Of Super-Achievers on Forbes and was pleasantly surprised by what made the list.



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