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What We're Reading Now

Learning to Live Well in Midlife (or Any Other Time in Your Life)

29 March 2016

Allison read 8 Ways You Can Survive — And Thrive In — Midlife and thought that many of these life lessons could be helpful to people at any stage of life.



Help for Adults and Children with ADHD (and for the People Who Support Them)

Allison attended a class for parents who have children with ADHD taught by Kate Barrett, read Adult ADHD and Work: Turbo Charge Your Success, and learned more about CHADD, the National Resource on ADHD. The good news is there are great resources and a lot of help for everyone impacted by Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder.



Meditation Lessons from My Niece and Girls on the Run of the Triangle

15 March 2016

Allison asked her 10-year old niece, Kathryn, to write a blog post about the meditation she learned from Girls on the Run of the Triangle. Kathryn says this meditation helps her fall sleep, be calm, and feel good so you might want to give it a try if you have stress in your life.



Learning When and How to Say Thank You

8 March 2016

Allison read Make Your Life Better by Saying Thank You in These 7 Situations by James Clear and reflected on how our relationships would change if we were able to receive compliments and have more empathetic responses.



Lose Weight by Sleeping

1 March 2016

Allison watched a report on NBC Nightly News last night, and wondered if a new study from the University of Chicago about the connection between getting enough sleep and weight loss might be the motivation people need to make sleep a priority.



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