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What We're Reading Now

What William Knows Part II

24 November 2015

Allison asked her eight-year old nephew, William, for more life advice. (They started this tradition last Thanksgiving, and they’ve decided to do it every year for as long as William feels he still has something to say.)



Read This the Next Time You’re Having a Bad Day

17 November 2015

Allison read How to Turn a Bad Day Around by Amy Gallo on HBR.org and nodded her head as Gallo explained some important happiness best practices by Shawn Achor and other experts.



Making Difficult Conversations More Manageable

10 November 2015

Allison read How to Make Sure You’re Heard in a Difficult Conversation by Amy Gallo on HBR.org and appreciated her practical tips on what to do when a conversation gets heated.



Let “The Reckoning, The Rumble, and The Revolution” Start Now

3 November 2015

Barbara read Brené Brown’s newest book, Rising Strong, and learned that if you take risks like Brown recommended in her first two books, The Gifts of Imperfection and Daring Greatly, you will sometimes fall on your face. This book describes how to learn a lesson from the failure, get back up, and try again.



What if You Attend TEDxCharlottesville?

27 October 2015

Allison read the TEDxCharlottesville Web Site and started to get excited for 13 November 2015. Whether you attend in-person or virtually via live-stream, this year’s focus on “What If…” is sure to delight as we are encouraged to consider how the world would look if we were able to suspend our judgment.



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