Grandma Ruby Lee Johnson, 3 May 1916 – 19 May 2015

26 May 2015
Allison read her Grandma Ruby Lee Johnson’s obituary and paused to celebrate her amazing grandma and business mentor.
Grandma Ruby Lee Johnson, 3 May 1916 – 19 May 2015
26 May 2015
Allison read her Grandma Ruby Lee Johnson’s obituary and paused to celebrate her amazing grandma and business mentor.
Please Welcome Barbara Linney to What We’re Reading Now
19 May 2015
Allison read Barbara Linney’s blog post, Multitask and Make Your Commute Matter, and welcomed a new contributor to the What We’re Reading Now blog.
Multitask and Make Your Commute Matter
18 May 2015
Barbara read Peter Bregman’s blog post, Get More Done During Your Commute, and realized that maybe there is a safe (and meaningful) way to multitask in the car.
The Longevity Revolution
12 May 2015
Allison watched Jane Fonda’s TEDxWomen 2011 Talk and celebrated the idea that we all have something to look forward to in our third act.
Tuck Yourself Into Bed
5 May 2015
Allison read What You Do Right Before Bed Determines How Productive and Focused You’ll Be Tomorrow and admired Michael Hyatt’s disciplined approach to one of the most important things people can do to get more of what they want out of life.