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What We're Reading Now

Should We Get Rid of the Word Balance?

13 January 2015

Allison watched best-selling author Elizabeth Gilbert’s 90-second video about how the word balance has become a weapon we use against ourselves and others. Perhaps seeking balance is making it even harder to achieve the healthy satisfaction we crave in all aspects of our lives.



Promiscuous Fitness and Other Resolutions

6 January 2015

Allison read How to Find the Right Exercise Routine—and Stick with It! (again) and appreciated three of her favorite things: a good laugh, an efficient way to reinvigorate her workouts, and great advice for making ANY important change.



Telling Your Story Can Help You Heal

30 December 2014

Allison watched Donald Davis’ TEDxCharlottesville Talk, How the Story Transforms the Teller, and was grateful for his advice that telling your story can help you “crawl out from under” your heartbreak so that you can heal.



The Gift of Nothing

23 December 2014

Allison read one of her favorite books, The Gift of Nothing, and began the process of slowing down and disconnecting from work so that she can lean into a bit of a break during this holiday season.



More on How to Write to Help Yourself Cope with Grief

16 December 2014

Allison did the experiment she wrote about in last week’s blog post, Write to Help Yourself Cope with Grief, and decided that it’s definitely worth recommending to others.



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