What We're Reading Now
How the San Francisco Giants Slept Their Way to Another World Series Championship
4 November 2014
Allison read many articles about Dr. William (Chris) Winter’s advice for the San Francisco Giants and celebrated another victory for good sleep hygiene.
Help for Vacationers Who Want More Savoring and Less Stress
28 October 2014
Allison read her friend Jaime Kurtz’s first blog post for Psychology Today and got excited about a new resource for people who want help with enjoying their vacations.
Who Encourages You?
21 October 2014
Allison watched the #kidpresident pep talk her friend Brooke Jenkins sent her and remembered the importance of gratitude and encouragement in the happiness matters equation.
Please Do Not Feed the Fears
14 October 2014
Allison read a popular saying on a variety of Facebook pages and paused to consider why this one struck a chord in her and many of her friends.
Pixar says: “Meet the Little Voices Inside Your Head”
7 October 2015
Allison watched the trailer for Inside Out, the summer 2015 film coming from Disney • Pixar. You should watch it, too.
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