Sleep Your Brain Clean

22 October 2013
Allison watched a five-minute Fox News segment with Charlottesville neurologist and sleep specialist, Dr. William (Chris) Winter, and learned about another good medical reason to make sleep a priority.
Sleep Your Brain Clean
22 October 2013
Allison watched a five-minute Fox News segment with Charlottesville neurologist and sleep specialist, Dr. William (Chris) Winter, and learned about another good medical reason to make sleep a priority.
The Third Metric
15 October 2013
Allison read stories about The Third Metric on The Huffington Post website and celebrated yet another powerful resource for helping people to choose balance and leadership.
Celebrate Your Success Right Now
8 October 2013
Allison read Are You Celebrating Your Success? by Shawn Ellis and appreciated yet another story about the importance (and challenge) of celebrating what you’ve already achieved if you want to be happier and achieve even more.
Are You Practicing Good Emotional Hygiene?
1 October 2013
Allison read the Dalai Lama’s post on Facebook today about emotional hygiene and thought about all the ways she tries to help herself choose to feel better when times are tough.
Are You Practicing Good Sleep Hygiene?
24 September 2013
Allison read Sleep Hygiene Tips on the American Sleep Association web site in an effort to support several clients who know being rested improves their performance, but are struggling to get a good night’s sleep.