Mentors Make All the Difference

13 November 2012
Allison read In the Spirit by Susan Taylor and Demystifying Mentoring by Amy Gallo and paused to celebrate the healing power of the passage of time and the difference mentors can make in our lives.
Mentors Make All the Difference
13 November 2012
Allison read In the Spirit by Susan Taylor and Demystifying Mentoring by Amy Gallo and paused to celebrate the healing power of the passage of time and the difference mentors can make in our lives.
Let’s Listen to Each Other
6 November 2012
Allison read The executive’s guide to better listening from the February 2012 McKinsey Quarterly and found herself hoping that after today’s United States Election that we will all try to come together tomorrow and do a better job of listening to each other.
A Taste of Darden Wisdom
30 October 2012
Allison read Professor Ming-Jer Chen’s Case in Point: Using the power of ‘one’ as a business practice from The Washington Post and appreciated an opportunity to return to a University of Virginia Darden School of Business classroom by reading just 488 words.
A Better Way to Start Your Day
23 October 2012
Allison read Chapter 1: Write What You Know from Turn Your Face: How to Be Heard and Get What You Want Most of the Time by Barbara Linney so she could continue to make progress toward her goal of “recombobulation.”
Getting Things Done
16 October 2012
Allison read Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen and was grateful for the refresher course on how she manages time, prioritizes and generally stays on top of stuff since October technical snafus have left her a bit discombobulated.
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