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What We're Reading Now

Leverage the TKI Conflict-Handling Modes

9 October 2012

Allison read the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument and Introduction to Conflict Management booklets and celebrated this straightforward approach to transforming conflict.



You Need to Put Your Oxygen Mask on First

2 October 2012

Allison read the Safety Information Card on her latest flight and was reminded of an important balance lesson that makes so much sense but sure is easy to forget.



Vacation Best Practices

25 September 2012

Allison read her own 31 July 2012 blog post, Stop Ruining Your Vacations, in preparation for her own vacation this week and was glad to be reminded of some of Matt Richtel’s best practices from his article, Vacation Sabotage: Don’t Let It Happen to You!



Learning to Let Go (and Tweet)

18 September 2012

Allison read Chris Jones' article, All atwitter, from the 17 September issue of ESPN The Magazine and enjoyed a funny story about Atlanta Braves' third basemen, Chipper Jones, and his foray into the Twittersphere. This short read is jam packed with lessons about love of the game, letting go and even how to use Twitter.



Business Empowerment Through Connections

11 September 2012

Allison read the Chamber Minority Business Council Conference Web Site and paused to celebrate that Allison Partners is sponsoring this important event in our community on 18 September 2012. The theme is Business Empowerment Through Connections and our team would like to invite you to be our guest.



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