1 January 2011

Allison read Turn Your Face: How to Be Heard and Get What You Want Most of the Time by Barbara J. Linney. (In fact, you could say she lived it.)
Entries tagged with: Balance
1 January 2011
Allison read Turn Your Face: How to Be Heard and Get What You Want Most of the Time by Barbara J. Linney. (In fact, you could say she lived it.)
13 January 2011
Allison read Guardians of Being by Eckhart Tolle with illustrations by Patrick McDonnell, the creator of Mutts. (Books don't have to have lots of words to say a lot.)
13 April 2011
Allison watched Brené Brown’s TED Talk after a client suggested that “The Power of Vulnerability” might provide good insights for our professional coaching work.
14 May 2011
Allison reviewed a classic article about the importance of sleep before teaching Choosing Balance and Leadership at Stanford University’s hospital. In "Sleep Deficit: The Performance Killer," Harvard Medical School Professor, Charles A. Czeisler, gives the shortest, most compelling argument for making sleep a priority no matter what.
23 May 2011
Allison took a free 60-second quiz from the article “Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time” by Tony Schwartz and Catherine McCarthy and you can too. Often the answers are in the questions and this is one of those times.
8 June 2011
Allison spent five minutes reading The Gift of Nothing and found a new point of view for the remainder of the week.
14 July 2011
Allison read and listened to some of her favorite poems that always help her to reboot her brain and find the path back to a little more balance.
Sleep is Essential and Six Hours is Not Enough
12 June 2012
Allison read the cover of USA Today and learned about some troubling new research on the link between lack of sleep and stroke risk. Perhaps this is the data that will convince people they need more than six hours of sleep a night.
Practice Your Way to Optimism
26 June 2012
Allison read Jane Brody’s A Richer Life by Seeing the Glass Half Full from the 5 May 2012 New York Times and was glad a friend sent the blog post her way (the Allison Partners team likes adding to our Happiness Matters resources list).
It’s Never Too Late
03 July 2012
Allison read Mel’s Tips for Healthy Living by Canyon Ranch founder Mel Zuckerman and was glad she got to meet this 84-year old change agent at the first annual Allison Partners leadership retreat.
Have a Little Mercy
10 July 2012
Allison listened to the lyrics from the new Dave Matthews Band song, Mercy, and got a little more inspiration for her current mantra, it’s never too late.
Mindfulness and Meditation Made Manageable
17 July 2012
Allison read Mark Kirby’s article Mind Over Stairmaster from the May 2012 GQ and was glad to see another effort to make mindfulness and meditation a little more manageable.
Make Your Dreams Come True
24 July 2012
Allison read Martha Beck’s column from the January 2011 O, The Oprah Magazine and learned a way to approach goal setting with a better chance of getting what you really want.
Stop Ruining Your Vacations
31 July 2012
Allison read Matt Richtel’s Vacation Sabotage: Don’t Let It Happen to You! from the 29 June 2012 New York Times and was relieved to learn some practical tips for helping her clients actually enjoy vacation so they can return to work rested and restored.
Use Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Insights to Take Better Care of Yourself
7 August 2012
Allison read a list of ways to take better care of ourselves using MBTI preference insights created by a group of course participants. Our clients often know exactly what they need to do for themselves and this time was no exception.
Sing Yourself to a Better Place
14 August 2012
Allison pressed repeat on Brent & Co.'s song, Breathe, and found herself feeling better.
Learning to Let Go (and Tweet)
18 September 2012
Allison read Chris Jones' article, All atwitter, from the 17 September issue of ESPN The Magazine and enjoyed a funny story about Atlanta Braves' third basemen, Chipper Jones, and his foray into the Twittersphere. This short read is jam packed with lessons about love of the game, letting go and even how to use Twitter.
Vacation Best Practices
25 September 2012
Allison read her own 31 July 2012 blog post, Stop Ruining Your Vacations, in preparation for her own vacation this week and was glad to be reminded of some of Matt Richtel’s best practices from his article, Vacation Sabotage: Don’t Let It Happen to You!
You Need to Put Your Oxygen Mask on First
2 October 2012
Allison read the Safety Information Card on her latest flight and was reminded of an important balance lesson that makes so much sense but sure is easy to forget.
Getting Things Done
16 October 2012
Allison read Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen and was grateful for the refresher course on how she manages time, prioritizes and generally stays on top of stuff since October technical snafus have left her a bit discombobulated.