Get Happier by Writing More

27 January 2015
Allison read Writing Your Way to Happiness in the New York Times last week and asked her mama who taught her about this kind of writing in the first place to be a guest blogger today.
Entries tagged with: Barbara Read
Get Happier by Writing More
27 January 2015
Allison read Writing Your Way to Happiness in the New York Times last week and asked her mama who taught her about this kind of writing in the first place to be a guest blogger today.
Multitask and Make Your Commute Matter
18 May 2015
Barbara read Peter Bregman’s blog post, Get More Done During Your Commute, and realized that maybe there is a safe (and meaningful) way to multitask in the car.
Let “The Reckoning, The Rumble, and The Revolution” Start Now
3 November 2015
Barbara read Brené Brown’s newest book, Rising Strong, and learned that if you take risks like Brown recommended in her first two books, The Gifts of Imperfection and Daring Greatly, you will sometimes fall on your face. This book describes how to learn a lesson from the failure, get back up, and try again.
How You Hold Your Face Makes a Big Difference
22 January 2016
Barbara read The Horse Sense of Nonverbal Communication in Lead Doc, the online journal of the American Association for Physician Leadership and was reminded that the sound of your voice, the look on your face, and the position of your body can enhance or ruin your words (for physicians and non-physicians alike).
Overcome Fear and Anxiety So You Can Free Your Creativity
28 June 2016
Barbara read Big Magic, Creative Living Beyond Fear and appreciated Elizabeth Gilbert’s warning and heeded her advice--don’t let your creativity hear you complaining. It will go away and leave you alone.
Getting Feedback Isn’t Fun
19 July 2016
Barbara read Leadership Means Learning to Look Behind the Mask in The New York Times by Barbara Mistick and was reminded of the importance (and unpleasantness) of asking for feedback.
Go Faster and Let Go Sooner
2 August 2016
Barbara watched two of her grandchildren do indoor rock climbing without a harness and gymnastic rings for two hours. They teach her many things and today was no exception.
Discover Your Calling
23 August 2016
Barbara read The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion by Elle Luna and learned you don’t have to give up your day job to follow your calling.
Some Good Ideas from Goddesses Never Age
6 September 2016
Barbara read Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being and learned refreshing ideas about how to have a positive attitude about the later years of life.
Get Better Behavior and Generate More Ideas at Your Meetings
25 October 2016
Barbara taught Nominal Group Technique (NGT) and was reminded how a structured approach can lead to great ideas and encourage good behavior from everyone.
Deep Work: Focus for Longer Periods of Time
22 November 2016
Barbara read Cal Newport’s Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World and learned that future jobs will go to the people who can think deeply about complex subjects and come up with solutions to difficult problems.
Lessons in Hard Work from a Shepherd
20 December 2016
Barbara read The Shepherd’s Life by James Rebanks and was inspired by the intense work ethic of the farming life and the elegant poetic word choices that describe the land and life of the Lake District.
Stretch Your SMART Goals
17 January 2017
Barbara read Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business and learned a new approach to goal setting.
Spend Time with Your Emotions this Valentine’s Day
14 February 2017
Barbara read Pathways to Possibility and learned a new way to neutralize negative emotions on Valentine’s Day (and every day).
“An Iron Will and Persevering Spirit”
14 March 2017
Barbara enjoyed five books by Christina Baker Kline and was reminded of the amount of talent and hard work beautiful, compelling writing takes. She’s excited to see Kline in person at the 23rd Annual Virginia Festival of the Book next week.
Unhook from Praise and Criticism
4 April 2011
Barbara read Tara Mohr’s Playing Big and learned that praise can be just as harmful to creativity as mean spirited criticism. It is important to unhook from both.
Surviving Negative Feedback
18 April 2017
Barbara read the HBR article, Responding to Feedback You Disagree With, by Sheila Heen and Debbie Goldstein and learned some tips for dealing with criticism.
A Happiness Matters Booster Shot
9 May 2017
Barbara watched Brené Brown interview Shawn Achor about his happiness research, then watched his TEDx Talk, and was reminded happiness is a choice.
These Choices Can Make a Big Difference
30 May 2017
Barbara watched a TEDx Talk by Carolyn Myss and appreciated some new ways to think about the power of choice.
Hamilton Makes Me Want to Be Brave This 4th of July!
4 July 2017
Barbara watched the musical, Hamilton, in New York, and thought about how not to “throw away her shot.”