What We're Reading Now
Entries tagged with: Careers
31 January 2011

Allison re-read some chapters from Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type by Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron. (Even though this book is about careers, you can also use it to consider your type and work more effectively with people.)
9 May 2011

Rachel recommends Tell Me About Yourself: Storytelling to Get Jobs and Propel Your Career by Katharine Hansen, Ph.D. When it comes to an effective job search, everyone has a story to tell.
A Book for Job Seekers (and Employers)

29 January 2013
Allison prepared to moderate a University of Virginia career panel for undergraduate students and referenced her favorite job search book. (Turns out Tell Me About Yourself: Storytelling to Get Jobs and Propel Your Career is also helpful for employers who want to improve their recruiting efforts.)
Name Games for Networking

30 April 2013
Allison read several blog posts about how to remember people’s names and used some of the tips to improve her networking efforts at a conference with 950+ people.
Advice for the Graduate in All of Us

4 June 2013
Allison read Dean Robert Bruner’s remarks for the University of Virginia Darden Graduate School of Business Administration 2013 graduation ceremony. His advice to “hang on, hang in there, and make a difference” is a lesson we can all benefit from as we shift from one stage of life to the next.

21 January 2014
Allison read her 10-year old nephew's poem, Running!, and asked herself some important questions every grown-up should consider.
Tips for Making Networking Feel Less Creepy and More Effective

26 January 2016
Allison read How Not to Be a Networking Leech: Tips for Seeking Professional Advice and Top 10 Tips to Work a Room Like a Champ and knew that many of her clients would appreciate these practical suggestions for making a dreaded process a little easier and more meaningful.
Tips for Better Interviewing and Reference Checking

16 February 2016
Allison read 7 Rules for Job Interview Questions That Result in Great Hires and The Right Way to Check a Reference on HBR.org and thought both articles would be useful to employers and interviewees.
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make me a Match

19 April 2016
Allison read Feel Like a Million Dollars: Matchmaking and Happiness by Lalin Anik and Katherine Bowers and learned about research that shows professional or personal matchmaking can lead to greater well-being for the matchmaker.
Discover Your Calling

23 August 2016
Barbara read The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion by Elle Luna and learned you don’t have to give up your day job to follow your calling.
Lessons and Inspiration from New Team Members

30 August 2016
Allison read the bios of our new Allison Partners team members and celebrated a growing team and the lessons colleagues can teach us.
Tips for Negotiating Your Starting Salary

20 February 2018
Barbara read I Am A Recruiter And Here Are My Negotiating Tips for Women on Forbes.com and was reminded when something mattered more than money.
You Should Quit Something

12 June 2018
Barbara read The New York Times article, The Year I Learned to Quit, by Christine Bader and was reminded "leaning out" can be a good thing.
Stop Worrying About Your Passion and Just Do the Work

2 October 2018
Barbara read So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love by Cal Newport. It turns out discomfort and hard work may help you realize your dreams faster than the pursuit of passion.
How to Be a Good Rebel

2 July 2020
Yvonne read Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life by Francesca Gino and reflected on the ways being a rebel may have impacted her career path.
Tips for Better Interviews

16 March 2021
Janie read Want to Really Get to Know Your Candidates? Interview for Emotional Intelligence by Erin Patton and was pleased to find an article with recommendations that mirror her own experience and practices for interviewing.
Finding Your Best Fit

5 December 2023
Janie read Wrong Fit, Right Fit: Why How We Work Matters More Than Ever by André Martin and was thrilled to find a resource so full of actionable tips for employers trying to build their best teams and employees seeking to do their best work.
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