19 May 2010

Rachel read Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard by Chip Heath and Dan Heath.
Entries tagged with: Change
19 May 2010
Rachel read Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard by Chip Heath and Dan Heath.
We’ve Got a Story for You
22 February 2012
Michelle read Redirect: The Surprising New Science of Psychological Change by Timothy D. Wilson. This self-described non-self-help book reminded her that life is all about stories, and that it might be time for many of us to start telling some new ones.
Leverage the TKI Conflict-Handling Modes
9 October 2012
Allison read the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument and Introduction to Conflict Management booklets and celebrated this straightforward approach to transforming conflict.
Set Yourself Up for Success from the Start
4 December 2012
Allison read Promiscuous Fitness from the November 2012 O, The Oprah Magazine and enjoyed a good chuckle and a great reminder about how to make difficult changes just a little easier.
Gratitude for Room to Grow
1 January 2013
Allison read Rachel’s A Year in Review blog post about the stack of books in her ‘must review now’ pile and reflected on how helpful it is when important people in our lives give us a little space to work on a challenging goal (or maybe even a resolution).
Tell Me a Story
15 January 2013
In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, Allison read some of her favorite excerpts from Gonna Sit at the Welcome Table by Julian Bond and Andrew Lewis and paused to celebrate the power of persuasive speech (as well as a beautifully curated history of the African American Civil Rights movement).
Advice for the Graduate in All of Us
4 June 2013
Allison read Dean Robert Bruner’s remarks for the University of Virginia Darden Graduate School of Business Administration 2013 graduation ceremony. His advice to “hang on, hang in there, and make a difference” is a lesson we can all benefit from as we shift from one stage of life to the next.
Are You Drowning in Email?
10 September 2013
Allison read Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity (again) and committed to finally trying to follow one of David Allen’s rules for the next month to see if she can do a better job of managing her emails.
Embracing Vulnerability and Giving Up Shame is Important (and Difficult)
4 February 2014
Allison watched Brené Brown’s 2012 TED Talk, Listening to shame, and was grateful for another dose of Brown’s humor and courage.
“Dirty Barbie” and Other Lessons in Vulnerability
11 February 2014
Allison watched Denise Laughlin Stewart's 2013 TEDx Charlottesville Talk and started counting down the days until her next chance to see Dirty Barbie and Other Girlhood Tales the weekend of 21 February 2014 at Four County Players in Barboursville, VA.
17 June 2014
Allison was asked to speak about how to “Unplug” at a University of Virginia employee conference last week. Today she’s summarizing what she shared with participants about how to disconnect to achieve more balance and productivity.
What Do You Have to Do?
23 September 2014
Allison read one of her favorite Mary Oliver poems, The Journey, and considered how brave we have to be if we want to make changes in our lives.
Promiscuous Fitness and Other Resolutions
6 January 2015
Allison read How to Find the Right Exercise Routine—and Stick with It! (again) and appreciated three of her favorite things: a good laugh, an efficient way to reinvigorate her workouts, and great advice for making ANY important change.
#59in59 and What Would You Never Do?
16 June 2015
Allison read the #59in59 web site about visiting 59 National Parks in 59 weeks and pondered the power of asking yourself what would you never do.
Practicing Self-Compassion
6 October 2015
Allison read Dr. Kristin Neff’s web site about self-compassion as well as several of her articles and watched her TEDx talk. Dr. Neff's research was just the reminder she needed about talking to herself like a good friend rather than an angry taskmaster.
Resolve to Change for Just One Month
12 January 2016
Allison read How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions by Austin Frakt and appreciated an economist’s very practical approach to achieving New Year’s resolutions (or any goal that matters to you).
The Power of Perspective
19 January 2016
Allison watched Dia Draper’s TEDxCharlottesville Talk, The Power of Perspective, and laughed out loud while finding some much needed perspective of her own.
Observe Yourself for “30 Days and Three Seconds” Before Making a Change
10 May 2016
Allison read The Solution to Maintaining a Budget Is Awareness by Carl Richards and believes his “30 Days and Three Seconds” experiment can help set the foundation for any change in personal behavior.
Do the Most Important Task First
31 May 2016
Allison watched Pinkcast 1.2: A simple trick for getting the right stuff done and decided to experiment with adding this strategy to her daily approach for getting things done.
Lessons and Inspiration from New Team Members
30 August 2016
Allison read the bios of our new Allison Partners team members and celebrated a growing team and the lessons colleagues can teach us.