What We're Reading Now
Entries tagged with: Creativity
What Walter* Said: the Awareness of a Muppet

28 November 2011
As a long-time fan of Kermit and his friends, Rachel appreciated nearly everything about the recent theatrical release of The Muppets. In between the singing and dancing and having fun, these fuzzy creatures give us something to think about.
We Can All Use a Little Creative Inspiration from Time to Time

23 March 2012
After spending a few hours on the beaches of Kiawah reading Spark: How Creativity Works by Julie Burstein, Michelle quickly realized that blissfully quiet beaches and long bike rides might be just what she needs when her creative juices stop flowing.
Play Your Way to a New Skill

21 August 2012
Allison read 129 pages of directions and assembled her 735-piece Marvel Super Heroes Quinjet Aerial Battle LEGO® set. She had fun and was proud of her whole Type development.
Give Up Your Fear of Failure and Find Faith in Yourself

27 November 2012
Allison read The Heart Aroused: Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America by David Whyte and was reminded to worry a little less about failure and to believe in herself a little more.
Be Intrepid

11 December 2012
Allison read Intrepid, The University of Virginia Library 2012 Annual Report, and enjoyed a celebration of words, a feast for the senses and a bit of inspiration for 2013.
A Year in Review

30 December 2012
Rachel surveyed the stack of books remaining in her 'must review now' pile and reflected on some of the big ideas that shaped her thinking in 2012.
Design Thinking Really Is for Everyone

22 January 2013
Allison did her homework for a five-day Design Thinking train-the-trainer course and is enjoying getting to be a student this week.
A Practical Guide for Aspiring Design Thinkers

16 July 2013
Allison read a description of a field book about design thinking that’s available for pre-order from Amazon.com and couldn’t stop smiling.
Play with Your Words

3 September 2013
Rachel got a little inspiration dose from reading a few pages from The Book of Qualities by J. Ruth Gendler. That prompted a question: What would your favorite word be wearing?
Messiness vs. Cleanliness

17 September 2013
Allison read It’s Not 'Mess.' It’s Creativity. by Kathleen D. Vohs in The New York Times and pondered her current messiness versus cleanliness conundrum.
Embracing Vulnerability and Giving Up Shame is Important (and Difficult)

4 February 2014
Allison watched Brené Brown’s 2012 TED Talk, Listening to shame, and was grateful for another dose of Brown’s humor and courage.
LEGO® Lessons, Continued

17 June 2014
Allison watched The LEGO® Movie for the third time and reflected on the things she's learned from her work with Professor LEGO over the years as well as the many lessons in this “AWESOME!!!” movie.
Take a Hike

22 July 2014
Allison read Proof That Hiking Makes You Happier and Healthier on The Huffington Post’s The Third Metric blog and was glad to see a lot of research supporting something she’s always suspected—taking a hike is a mighty good thing.
It’s Good to Be a Freak

12 August 2014
Allison Partners senior consultant (and first time blog contributor) Geof Hammond read Think Like A Freak. Inspired by the book’s engaging stories and anecdotes, he considered how an approach like experimentation could help him think like a freak. (In case you were wondering, that’s a good thing.)
Turtle Time and a Digital Detox

19 August 2014
Allison read 7-Day Digital Diet in The New York Times by Teddy Wayne and decided to try her own digital detox while she was on vacation last week.
#59in59 and What Would You Never Do?

16 June 2015
Allison read the #59in59 web site about visiting 59 National Parks in 59 weeks and pondered the power of asking yourself what would you never do.
Managing Your Ego

13 July 2015
Janie read Why a Big Ego Could Be Your Downfall (and Seven Tips to Help You Hone Your Humility) by Edward D. Hess, and appreciated his concrete tips on ways to quiet your ego and develop more empathy for others.
Hurray for a New Allison Partners Blogger!

14 July 2015
Allison read Janie Kast’s blog post, Managing Your Ego, and was delighted to welcome another regular contributor to the What We’re Reading Now blog.
Creative Activity

1 September 2015
Geof came across a fascinating study during one of his regular internet searches for creativity and innovation, Benefiting from creative activity: The positive relationships between creative activity, recovery experiences, and job-performance-related outcomes by Kevin J. Eschleman, Jamie Madsen, Gene Alarcon, and Alex Barelka.
What is Design Thinking?

15 November 2016
Allison facilitated the Ready, Set, Design activity for 150 participants and was grateful for a fun, fast, and easy way to explain design thinking concepts.
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