Managing Your Ego

13 July 2015
Janie read Why a Big Ego Could Be Your Downfall (and Seven Tips to Help You Hone Your Humility) by Edward D. Hess, and appreciated his concrete tips on ways to quiet your ego and develop more empathy for others.
Entries tagged with: Ed Hess
Managing Your Ego
13 July 2015
Janie read Why a Big Ego Could Be Your Downfall (and Seven Tips to Help You Hone Your Humility) by Edward D. Hess, and appreciated his concrete tips on ways to quiet your ego and develop more empathy for others.
Hurray for a New Allison Partners Blogger!
14 July 2015
Allison read Janie Kast’s blog post, Managing Your Ego, and was delighted to welcome another regular contributor to the What We’re Reading Now blog.
When the Best Idea Wins
19 June 2018
Janie read The Power Of An Idea Meritocracy by Edward D. Hess and was interested to read his research on the power of listening to ideas over experience.
Positive Leadership
18 February 2020
Janie read Positive Leadership: Strategies for Extraordinary Performance by Kim Cameron and considered his strategies to be a more compassionate leader.