Little Things Can Keep Your Love Alive

12 February 2013
Allison read a lot about love in the last week and thought about what it takes to keep a relationship going strong after the initial passion settles into a slower simmer.
Entries tagged with: Happiness
Little Things Can Keep Your Love Alive
12 February 2013
Allison read a lot about love in the last week and thought about what it takes to keep a relationship going strong after the initial passion settles into a slower simmer.
Balance Defined
5 March 2013
Allison read Balance? Don’t Believe the Hype by Cliff Oxford when several people sent it to her last week and found herself pondering what the word balance means to different people and why that definition matters.
Find Comfort and a Fresh Perspective in Poetry
19 March 2013
Allison read a draft of Border Ways by her brother, Reverend George Linney, and once again found just what she needed during a difficult time in the pages of a beautiful collection of poems.
Embrace the New Plan
26 March 2013
Allison read Martha Beck’s blog post, Have A Plan — And Be Willing To Change It, and appreciated this simple, yet powerful, reminder about how to respond when things just don’t go according to plan.
Baseball is Back and Anything is Possible
2 April 2013
Allison celebrated the return of Major League Baseball yesterday and enjoyed reading many Facebook posts, Tweets and articles about Opening Day. (It’s clear that fans everywhere feel optimistic and believe absolutely anything is possible.)
Kindness Girl Delights and Inspires
23 April 2013
Allison heard Patience Salgado (aka Kindness Girl) speak at a conference this morning and found herself nodding her head, laughing out loud, and excited to dive into Patience’s blog.
It’s Important to Ask for Help
7 May 2013
Allison read an excerpt from David Whyte’s Readers' Circle Essay, "Help," and appreciated the reminder that sometimes it’s important to ask for the generosity you need.
Four Great Questions
14 May 2013
Allison read The Eleanor Project web site and reflected on four great questions we should all be able to answer about ourselves.
23 July 2013
Allison read Brené Brown’s Facebook post yesterday and appreciated the acknowledgment that wholeheartedness requires a whole lot of courage.
Play with Your Words
3 September 2013
Rachel got a little inspiration dose from reading a few pages from The Book of Qualities by J. Ruth Gendler. That prompted a question: What would your favorite word be wearing?
Are You Practicing Good Emotional Hygiene?
1 October 2013
Allison read the Dalai Lama’s post on Facebook today about emotional hygiene and thought about all the ways she tries to help herself choose to feel better when times are tough.
Celebrate Your Success Right Now
8 October 2013
Allison read Are You Celebrating Your Success? by Shawn Ellis and appreciated yet another story about the importance (and challenge) of celebrating what you’ve already achieved if you want to be happier and achieve even more.
The Third Metric
15 October 2013
Allison read stories about The Third Metric on The Huffington Post website and celebrated yet another powerful resource for helping people to choose balance and leadership.
“Celebrate good times, come on!”
5 November 2013
Allison read the invitation for tomorrow’s ribbon cutting and paused to celebrate a wonderful milestone for the Allison Partners team.
Resolve to Be Happier
7 January 2014
Allison read 7 Small Resolutions for a Big Happiness Boost in 2014 by Dr. Emma M. Seppälä on the Psychology Today blog and was glad to see some of the best happiness research compiled in one short post.
21 January 2014
Allison read her 10-year old nephew's poem, Running!, and asked herself some important questions every grown-up should consider.
Embracing Vulnerability and Giving Up Shame is Important (and Difficult)
4 February 2014
Allison watched Brené Brown’s 2012 TED Talk, Listening to shame, and was grateful for another dose of Brown’s humor and courage.
Simple Pleasures and Gratitude
11 March 2014
Allison watched Rachel teach Happiness Matters at Charlottesville SHRM this afternoon and appreciated the reminder that often happiness is about the little things that make a big difference.
Can a 10-Minute Meditation Change Your Life Forever?
15 April 2014
Allison listened to the 10-minute guided meditation session Dr. Deepak Chopra led from the steps of the University of Virginia Rotunda on 15 October 2013. Six months later this experience is still making a meaningful impact on how Allison approaches meditation.
Monkey Mind and Meditation
6 May 2014
Allison finished her three-week Dr. Deepak Chopra meditation experiment and found herself pondering (and hoping to cure) the monkey mind phenomenon.