What We're Reading Now
Entries tagged with: Healthcare
14 May 2011

Allison reviewed a classic article about the importance of sleep before teaching Choosing Balance and Leadership at Stanford University’s hospital. In "Sleep Deficit: The Performance Killer," Harvard Medical School Professor, Charles A. Czeisler, gives the shortest, most compelling argument for making sleep a priority no matter what.
It’s Never Too Late

03 July 2012
Allison read Mel’s Tips for Healthy Living by Canyon Ranch founder Mel Zuckerman and was glad she got to meet this 84-year old change agent at the first annual Allison Partners leadership retreat.
Leverage the TKI Conflict-Handling Modes

9 October 2012
Allison read the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument and Introduction to Conflict Management booklets and celebrated this straightforward approach to transforming conflict.
The Mind-Body Connection

8 January 2013
Allison read Think yourself well from the December 8th 2012 issue of The Economist and was glad to learn about compelling research on the connection between positive emotions and healthier bodies as well as actions you can take to increase your vagal tone (turns out we need more than just muscle tone).
Addressing Behaviors That Undermine a Culture of Safety in Healthcare

9 April 2013
Allison read Anger Management Courses Are a New Tool for Dealing With Out-of-Control Doctors in the 4 March 2013 edition of The Washington Post and paused to celebrate that many of her colleagues are working diligently to address this rare, but incredibly important issue in healthcare.
Why Isn’t Mental Health Just Health?

12 November 2013
Allison read Comfort Food: No One Brings Dinner When Your Daughter is an Addict by Larry M. Lake on Slate and hopes that you’ll share this powerful article with others.
Workplace Wellness Wisdom

19 November 2013
Allison asked her colleagues in the Richmond Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) to share their favorite workplace wellness tips and was delighted to read a lot of creative ideas to help employers support their employees on the road to wellness.
Stand Up and Ask, “Why Isn’t Mental Health Just Health?”

16 September 2014
Allison accepted the Stand Up Challenge from community health leader Erika Viccellio, and once again found herself pondering this question, “Why isn’t mental health just health?”
How the San Francisco Giants Slept Their Way to Another World Series Championship

4 November 2014
Allison read many articles about Dr. William (Chris) Winter’s advice for the San Francisco Giants and celebrated another victory for good sleep hygiene.
The Mayor Has Awesome Red Shoes

14 April 2015
Allison read the Ronald McDonald House Charities Charlottesville and Red Shoe Cville web sites and celebrated the healing power of a home away from home (and awesome red shoes).
Listening Lessons from the Boston Marathon and Beyond

21 April 2015
Allison taught Resolving Conflict yesterday for the American Association for Physician Leadership and got to tell one of her favorite stories about how to listen even when you don’t understand.
Celebrating TKI’s 40th Anniversary

28 April 2015
Allison read the web site created to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) and was glad to see a diverse collection of resources for people who want to learn more about how to transform conflict into productivity.
Please Welcome Barbara Linney to What We’re Reading Now

19 May 2015
Allison read Barbara Linney’s blog post, Multitask and Make Your Commute Matter, and welcomed a new contributor to the What We’re Reading Now blog.
How Much Sleep Do You Need?

20 October 2015
Allison read Do We Really Need to Sleep 7 Hours a Night and the Recommended Amount of Sleep for A Healthy Adult: A Joint Consensus Statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society. Both of these articles will likely leave people wondering exactly how much sleep they need.
Help for Holiday Grief

8 December 2015
Allison read several blog posts and web sites about the challenge of dealing with grief during the holidays and appreciated insights and practical advice from a variety of experts.
What is Mindfulness?

21 June 2016
Allison watched a video about the Compassionate Schools Project and appreciated a child's explanation of mindfulness.
Some Good Ideas from Goddesses Never Age

6 September 2016
Barbara read Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being and learned refreshing ideas about how to have a positive attitude about the later years of life.
Navigating Your Health Care

18 October 2016
Allison read Is Patient-Centered Care Always a Comfort? and appreciated Sarah Freymann Fontenot’s always thoughtful insights into the ever-changing health care industry.
Help for Insomnia from SHUTi

13 December 2016
Allison read and watched news coverage about SHUTi and was pleased to learn more about how this Charlottesville-based business is helping people address insomnia.
The Instant Stress-Reducing Maneuver

25 July 2017
Allison read Coping Better... Anytime, Anywhere: The Handbook of Rational Self-Counseling by Maxie C. Maultsby, Jr. M.D. and remembered why his breathing exercise is still one of her favorites. It’s so easy!
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