What We're Reading Now
Entries tagged with: Leadership
Build Your Empathy Skills this Valentine’s Day

9 February 2016
Allison read Resources for Learning About Empathy on Valentine's Day on the George Lucas Educational Foundation site, Edutopia, and celebrated an emphasis on compassion and caring this Valentine’s Day.
A Third of Americans are Sleep Deprived

23 February 2016
Allison saw a report on NBC Nightly News last week and hoped the Center for Disease Control’s recent findings about sleep deprivation in America might convince more people to make healthy sleep hygiene a priority.
Lose Weight by Sleeping

1 March 2016
Allison watched a report on NBC Nightly News last night, and wondered if a new study from the University of Chicago about the connection between getting enough sleep and weight loss might be the motivation people need to make sleep a priority.
Allison Partners Animated

17 May 2016
Allison watched Messy, Complicated, Wonderful People Stuff by Greg Brozenske and appreciated how animation can make things easier to understand (and so much more fun).
Developing Better Execution

14 June 2016
Janie read 4 Ways to Be More Effective at Execution, by Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman, and was relieved to find some suggestions to make sure that getting more done doesn’t need to mean working longer hours.
Guidance for Bosses in the Wake of Tragedy

5 July 2016
Allison read Being a Good Boss in Dark Times by Jennifer Porter and was grateful for specific guidance on what to do at work as employees try to process mass tragedies.
Getting Feedback Isn’t Fun

19 July 2016
Barbara read Leadership Means Learning to Look Behind the Mask in The New York Times by Barbara Mistick and was reminded of the importance (and unpleasantness) of asking for feedback.
What is Ethics?

21 March 2017
Allison watched Greg Brozenske’s latest animation and remembered that reading things is good, but sometimes seeing things is better.

28 March 2017
Janie read Presence: Bringing your Boldest Self to your Biggest Challenges by Amy Cuddy, and reflected on the idea that developing presence starts with being authentic.
Get Your Ethics Goggles Here

3 October 2017
Allison watched Greg Brozenske’s second ethics animation and was grateful for an easy to understand decision-making framework that can help her to slow down so she can draw on four ethical traditions.
The Case for Staying Home When You’re Sick

14 November 2017
Allison read If You’re Sick, Stay Away From Work. If You Can’t, Here Is What Doctors Advise. Perhaps this season more of us will follow this advice and reverse the culture of powering through when we’re sick.
What William Knows Thanksgiving 2017

28 November 2017
Allison asked her 10-year old nephew, William, for more life advice for her readers. This Thanksgiving tradition started when he was seven, and it’s one Allison treasures.
Is Hardball for Women Still Useful?

20 March 2018
Barbara read Hardball for Women: Winning at the Game of Business: Third Edition by Pat Heim and Tammy Hughes and considered some actions women can take to get their work goals accomplished. (Men could do more to help address gender inequities by reading this book, too.)
What Makes a Good Story?

29 May 2018
Eden read How to Tell a Story by Daniel McDermon and thought about practical ways she could enhance communication through storytelling.
Leadership in Our New Power World

17 July 2018
Janie read New Power: How Power Works in Our Hyperconnected World—and How to make It Work For You by Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms and found herself pondering how to be a good leader in this new power world.
Unpacking the CEO Genome

31 July 2018
Eden read The CEO Next Door by Elena L. Botelho, Kim R. Powell, and Tahl Raz, and thought about the ordinary behaviors exhibited by extraordinary CEOs.
Take Your Gatherings from What to Why

23 October 2018
Eden read The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters by Priya Parker and reflected on how she could be more intentional in the way she designs her gatherings.
Finding Home

1 March 2019
Rachel read Home by Carson Ellis and was reminded that people plant their roots in all sorts of different places.
Show Up and Be Kind

7 May 2019
The Dean of the University of Virginia Nursing School, Dorrie Fontaine, will retire this month, and Allison found herself pausing to think about lessons in leadership from a trailblazer in healthcare and higher education.
Positive Leadership

18 February 2020
Janie read Positive Leadership: Strategies for Extraordinary Performance by Kim Cameron and considered his strategies to be a more compassionate leader.
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