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Entries tagged with: Productivity
Getting Things Done

16 October 2012
Allison read Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen and was grateful for the refresher course on how she manages time, prioritizes and generally stays on top of stuff since October technical snafus have left her a bit discombobulated.
A Better Way to Start Your Day

23 October 2012
Allison read Chapter 1: Write What You Know from Turn Your Face: How to Be Heard and Get What You Want Most of the Time by Barbara Linney so she could continue to make progress toward her goal of “recombobulation.”
Take More Breaks and Get More Done

19 February 2013
Allison read Relax! You’ll Be More Productive and was glad to see Tony Schwartz practicing what he preaches and reaping the rewards. (Maybe you should consider working less so you can get more done, too.)
Are You Drowning in Email?

10 September 2013
Allison read Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity (again) and committed to finally trying to follow one of David Allen’s rules for the next month to see if she can do a better job of managing her emails.
Channel the Trapper Keeper

27 August 2014
Allison read Simple Solutions for Back-to-School Student Organization (Sorry, No Trapper Keeper) in The New York Times by Jessica Lahey and decided to renew her own organization efforts in honor of all the kids going back to school.
Notes from the Road to Better Email Habits

31 March 2015
Allison continued her project to improve her email habits and made a little more progress on learning how to achieve the promise of David Allen’s book, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity.
Increasing Productivity

5 April 2016
Janie read How to Be More Productive and Eliminate Time-Wasting Activities by Using the Eisenhower Box by James Cleary and learned a new strategy for increasing daily productivity.
Do the Most Important Task First

31 May 2016
Allison watched Pinkcast 1.2: A simple trick for getting the right stuff done and decided to experiment with adding this strategy to her daily approach for getting things done.
Coffee… Not Now, But Soon

13 September 2016
Eden read Why You Shouldn’t Drink Coffee In The Morning and was excited to learn a new, practical way to stay alert during the work day.
Maintaining Better Focus

6 December 2016
Janie watched Pinkcast 1:13 The power of an hourly beep, and was intrigued by a new idea for maintaining better focus at work.
Making Time for Lower Priority Tasks

20 June 2017
Janie read 3 Ways to Make Time for the Little Tasks You Never Make Time For by Dorie Clark and appreciated her suggestions for ways to get those minor, but necessary, tasks done.
Tips for Better Productivity

12 September 2017
Janie read Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, and was pleased to find that she learned some valuable tips for better project management.
What Kind of Manager Are You?

16 January 2018
Eden read The New One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson and learned that good managers help others become good self-managers.
Why Bad Habits Happen to Good People

10 April 2018
Eden read The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg and thought about how understanding the habit loop could help her break some bad habits.
Cue Behavior Change

19 March 2019
Eden read Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones by James Clear and thought about different strategies for building better habits.
Overcoming Chronic Lateness

20 August 2019
Janie read Are You Chronically Late? 8 Tips for Showing Up on Time by Gretchen Rubin and recognized some of the underlying beliefs and behaviors that get in the way of being on time.
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