30 December 2010

Rachel read the Stieg Larsson series, starting with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. (Some of our reading is just for fun.)
Entries tagged with: Rachel Read
30 December 2010
Rachel read the Stieg Larsson series, starting with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. (Some of our reading is just for fun.)
28 February 2011
Rachel is a pretty frequent reader of the New York Times online; in fact, it's her browser's home page. She enjoyed reading 'Secrets of a Mind-Gamer' by Joshua Foer in last week's Magazine so much that she's now looking forward to picking up Foer's recent book, Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything.
20 April 2011
Rachel indulged her literary sweet tooth with a reading romp through J.D. Robb's Treachery in Death. Little did she expect to encounter some reflections on being a boss.
9 May 2011
Rachel recommends Tell Me About Yourself: Storytelling to Get Jobs and Propel Your Career by Katharine Hansen, Ph.D. When it comes to an effective job search, everyone has a story to tell.
20 May 2011
Rachel got more happiness out of her vacation by reading The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun by Gretchen Rubin. (When a book has both pleasure and purpose, that's a good thing.)
A Bias You Want
2 October 2011
In her review of all (or most) things happiness-related, Rachel read The Optimism Bias: A Tour of the Irrationally Positive Brain by Tali Sharot. Turns out a rosy outlook serves us well in more ways than one.
Coaches in the Real World
10 October 2011
Rachel read Atul Gawande's article, Personal Best, from the October 3rd issue of The New Yorker for a fresh explanation of the power of coaching to hone professional skills. Bonus feature: she got a glimpse of some leading-edge work happening right here at home.
Three Lessons for Leaders from the Kitchen
16 October 2011
Rachel added to her cookbook shelf with three recent releases. In between the recipes from Ferran Adria, Michael Ruhlman and Todd English, she noticed some trends from restaurant kitchens that go way beyond food. (I guess you can nourish mind and body at the same time after all.)
Four Things to Remember about Performance Reviews
30 October 2011
Rachel nodded and applauded her way through reading How to Be Good at Performance Appraisals by Dick Grote. At long last, managers have a practical guide to making the most of one of the most significant (and much-maligned) supervisory responsibilities of the year.
What Walter* Said: the Awareness of a Muppet
28 November 2011
As a long-time fan of Kermit and his friends, Rachel appreciated nearly everything about the recent theatrical release of The Muppets. In between the singing and dancing and having fun, these fuzzy creatures give us something to think about.
A Year in Review
30 December 2012
Rachel surveyed the stack of books remaining in her 'must review now' pile and reflected on some of the big ideas that shaped her thinking in 2012.
Cooking to Learn
27 August 2013
Curious about his approach, Rachel read The 4-Hour Chef by Timothy Ferriss and realized that she holds some pretty strong opinions about the ways we learn. (Not to mention her ideas about food.)
Play with Your Words
3 September 2013
Rachel got a little inspiration dose from reading a few pages from The Book of Qualities by J. Ruth Gendler. That prompted a question: What would your favorite word be wearing?
words (that) matter
26 November 2013
Rachel (and Allison) took time in these days before Thanksgiving to reflect on some things that matter. Among them, words.
House Rules
31 August 2014
Rachel visited Sydney, and between the koalas and the beach and the iconic opera house, she saw something that gives new meaning to "house rules."
Finding Your Way
24 January 2017
Rachel read a selection of articles about the New England Patriots and reflected on how a football team’s culture translates to life outside the locker room.
Seven Good Words for 2019
1 January 2019
Rachel read Tomorrow I'll Be Brave with words and pictures by Jessica Hische. Not only did it help her consider her intentions for the year ahead, it also inspired a new monthly feature for our blog.
Choose Your Words
1 February 2019
Rachel read The Word Collector by Peter H. Reynolds and was even more inspired to be like Jerome and choose her words carefully. Whether you're practicing empathy and understanding others, or sharing your own story and hoping to be heard, words hold power.
Finding Home
1 March 2019
Rachel read Home by Carson Ellis and was reminded that people plant their roots in all sorts of different places.
How to Be You
1 April 2019
Rachel read How to Be a Lion by Ed Vere and appreciated that quiet can be loud and that words can, in fact, change the world.