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Entries tagged with: Thoughtful Candor
Candor is One of Our Favorite Things

19 June 2012
Allison read Keith Ferrazzi’s one-page article on Candor, Criticism, and Teamwork from the January-February 2012 Harvard Business Review and was glad to learn three great tips for helping people have meaningful conversations in meetings and ultimately stronger relationships.
Have You Told Them?

3 December 2013
Allison read When the Truth Is Your Only Chance by Peter Bregman on the HBR Blog Network and appreciated a story that supports the importance of being thoughtfully candid.
Choose to Disregard

18 February 2014
Allison read In Praise of Disregard in The Opinion Pages of The New York Times by Christy Wampole and was grateful for a persuasive piece about why and how we should make thoughtful choices about how we feel and act (rather than react).
Making Difficult Conversations More Manageable

10 November 2015
Allison read How to Make Sure You’re Heard in a Difficult Conversation by Amy Gallo on HBR.org and appreciated her practical tips on what to do when a conversation gets heated.
The Best Bosses are Comfortable with Candor

15 December 2015
Allison read Radical Candor — The Surprising Secret to Being a Good Boss and appreciated Kim Scott’s advice on how to care personally, challenge directly, and provide the thing all employees crave… guidance!
The First Book You Should Read This Year

6 January 2017
Eden read Crucial Conversations and realized how much of what makes conversations difficult happens before we even open our mouths.
Surviving Negative Feedback

18 April 2017
Barbara read the HBR article, Responding to Feedback You Disagree With, by Sheila Heen and Debbie Goldstein and learned some tips for dealing with criticism.
Lessons in Creativity, Candor, and Failure from Pixar’s Founder

21 November 2017
Barbara read Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration by Edwin Catmull. It turns out that being willing to fail and fail quickly without feeling embarrassment is the one of the best ways to tap into creativity. (Thoughtful candor from team members you trust helps, too.)
Risk Truth

9 January 2018
Allison read When the Truth Is Your Only Chance by Peter Bregman on the HBR Blog Network (again) and remembered that this really is one of her favorite articles when she's trying to help clients figure out how to deliver difficult feedback.
Help for Heated Topics

13 March 2018
Eden listened to Strong Back, Soft Front, Wild Heart, on the On Being Podcast, and thought about the ways we approach (or don’t approach) controversial topics.
Bosses Can Be Kind and Candid

1 May 2018
Allison read 10 Reasons Nice Bosses Finish First by Travis Bradberry and appreciated how the author handled the delicate balance a supervisor has to strike between kindness and candor.
Try a Little Shift in How You Talk to Yourself

4 September 2018
Barbara watched Pinkcast 2.22: This is how to talk to yourself and learned a different way to use self-talk in stressful situations.
Getting Yourself to Have a Difficult Conversation

13 November 2018
Barbara read How to Have Difficult Conversations When You Don’t Like Conflict by Joel Garfinkle in the Harvard Business Review.
Two Important Questions Can Help You Decide if You’re Ready to Change

27 November 2018
Barbara read Peter Bregman’s If You Want to Get Better at Something, Ask Yourself These Two Questions and faced head on that discomfort is a necessary part of change.
Honesty Changes Everything

26 February 2019
Barbara read Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility by Patty McCord and considered the amount of honesty that is needed to support transformational change.
Show Up and Be Kind

7 May 2019
The Dean of the University of Virginia Nursing School, Dorrie Fontaine, will retire this month, and Allison found herself pausing to think about lessons in leadership from a trailblazer in healthcare and higher education.
Both True and Kind

1 June 2019
Rachel read The Honest-to-Goodness Truth by Patricia C. McKissack with illustrations from Giselle Potter and appreciated that the struggle to be thoughtfully candid isn't confined to the workplace.
It’s Hard to Tell the Truth

12 October 2021
Barbara read The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self by Martha Beck and learned just how hard it is to tell truth and nothing but the truth
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