Make Your Dreams Come True

24 July 2012
Allison read Martha Beck’s column from the January 2011 O, The Oprah Magazine and learned a way to approach goal setting with a better chance of getting what you really want.
Entries tagged with: Writing
Make Your Dreams Come True
24 July 2012
Allison read Martha Beck’s column from the January 2011 O, The Oprah Magazine and learned a way to approach goal setting with a better chance of getting what you really want.
A Better Way to Start Your Day
23 October 2012
Allison read Chapter 1: Write What You Know from Turn Your Face: How to Be Heard and Get What You Want Most of the Time by Barbara Linney so she could continue to make progress toward her goal of “recombobulation.”
17 June 2014
Allison was asked to speak about how to “Unplug” at a University of Virginia employee conference last week. Today she’s summarizing what she shared with participants about how to disconnect to achieve more balance and productivity.
Should You Be Starting Your Day With Devices?
1 July 2014
Allison read How to Spend the First 10 Minutes of Your Day by Ron Friedman on the HBR Blog Network and realized she needed to get back to starting her day in a better way.
Write to Help Yourself Cope with Grief
9 December 2014
Allison read To Get Over Something, Write About It on and was happy to have another tool to share with people who are struggling to cope with any kind of grief.
More on How to Write to Help Yourself Cope with Grief
16 December 2014
Allison did the experiment she wrote about in last week’s blog post, Write to Help Yourself Cope with Grief, and decided that it’s definitely worth recommending to others.
Get Happier by Writing More
27 January 2015
Allison read Writing Your Way to Happiness in the New York Times last week and asked her mama who taught her about this kind of writing in the first place to be a guest blogger today.
In Support of Longhand
11 August 2015
Allison read What You Miss When You Take Notes on Your Laptop by Maggy McGloin and appreciated this research as children get ready to go back to school and grown-ups try to retain important information at work.
Getting Feedback Isn’t Fun
19 July 2016
Barbara read Leadership Means Learning to Look Behind the Mask in The New York Times by Barbara Mistick and was reminded of the importance (and unpleasantness) of asking for feedback.
Discover Your Calling
23 August 2016
Barbara read The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion by Elle Luna and learned you don’t have to give up your day job to follow your calling.
Lessons in Hard Work from a Shepherd
20 December 2016
Barbara read The Shepherd’s Life by James Rebanks and was inspired by the intense work ethic of the farming life and the elegant poetic word choices that describe the land and life of the Lake District.
“An Iron Will and Persevering Spirit”
14 March 2017
Barbara enjoyed five books by Christina Baker Kline and was reminded of the amount of talent and hard work beautiful, compelling writing takes. She’s excited to see Kline in person at the 23rd Annual Virginia Festival of the Book next week.
Lessons in Creativity, Candor, and Failure from Pixar’s Founder
21 November 2017
Barbara read Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration by Edwin Catmull. It turns out that being willing to fail and fail quickly without feeling embarrassment is the one of the best ways to tap into creativity. (Thoughtful candor from team members you trust helps, too.)
To Type or Not to Type
13 February 2018
Eden watched Pinkcast 2.2: Why You Should Take Notes By Hand and reflected on the benefits of taking handwritten notes.
Open a Notebook, Close Your Laptop
18 September 2018
As another school year gets underway, Allison reflected on the power of writing notes by hand rather than using our computers.
Prime the Pump for Writing
26 September 2023
Barbara reread her underlined passages of Writing Without Teachers written in 1973 by her original writing guru, Peter Elbow, and reflected on how his insights inspired the classes she used to teach on how to write about what matters to you.
Why Writing Longhand is Still a Good Idea
16 January 2024
Barbara read The Case for Writing Longhand: It’s About Trying to Create That Little Space of Freedom by Sara Bahr and appreciated affirmation for something she loves to do—write with a pen.
What Shyness Can Tell You
12 March 2024
Barbara watched David Whyte’s January 2024 Three Sundays Series on The Shyness of Love and learned that shyness can mean new opportunities are on the horizon.
The Power of Weekly Reflection
3 December 2024
Janie reviewed her notes from weekly reflections and realized that adding a regular reflection habit is worth the time and effort it takes.
What to Do With Your Feelings
17 December 2024
Barbara read Now Is the Time To Start Keeping a Journal by Glenn Kramon and had reinforced a habit that can restore serenity.